Monday, March 22, 2010

We've only just begun...

I had to wait overnight, but I finally received my first matches. Now, just as eHarmony advertises, you can review your matches for free. That is part of the reason that I decided to try it- there was no way I was going to pay money for that. I mean, that would definitely mean that I was one of those desperate girls, right? Anyway, I logged in excitedly to see who my new matches were. I had a few of them, although I expected more. If there are so many people in the system, why does it only give me 5 matches? I clicked on the profiles of these guys that I was supposedly compatible with in 29 dimensions, wondering what they would be like. And what did I find?

They were all computer nerds. All of them.

Ok, so I don't necessarily have anything against guys who work in the computer industry. But, for those of you who don't know, I have a very stressful job. I work as an EMT, and I deal with very difficult situations at times. I love the excitement and adrenaline rush of my job. So, how could I possibly be matched with several guys, that are all so different than me? If the most stressful part of your job is that a computer crashes (which they could probably repair in a matter of seconds) then I just don't see it working out.
That was disappointment number 1.

And for disappointment number 2: No pictures. That's right. No pictures at all. Well, that removes at least 70% of the fun. Now all I'm left with is what they write about themselves, and the fact that we are allegedly compatible in 29 dimensions. Apparently with the free version, they withhold all pictures. Tricky tactic, eHarmony. So, I did what any reasonable girl would do.

I bought a subscription.

But that doesn't make me one of those desperate girls. At least that's what I keep telling myself. I like to think of myself as a scientist, if you will. Sometimes, you must pay a price in order to get the data that you need to complete your research.

It's a good excuse, at least.

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