Sunday, March 21, 2010

And so it begins...

Hello, and thank you for visiting my blog! I'm sure you have much better things to be doing with your time, so if you have decided to spend it here, I sincerely thank you. And I hope you enjoy your stay.

Recently, I decided to try out eHarmony. It was a spur-of-the-moment idea, and I set up my account while at a friends house. I answered about 500,000 questions, or so it seemed, until I finally succeeded in completing my profile. It was a great sense of accomplishment, and I eagerly clicked on the "my matches" tab to see who I had been matched with. Only to find.... nothing. It seems that it takes a day or so to begin sending you matches. Well, that was a disappointment.

You may be wondering why I decided to turn to eHarmony. Let me tell you- it was not out of desperation. I may be single, but most times I prefer it that way. As a full time student with 2 jobs, I would definitely spend more time with my textbooks than I would be able to spend with any guy. I can't say with certainty why the idea came to mind. I suppose the commercials on T.V. may have been too alluring. Maybe it was because of all of the people I have met who, at some point during conversation, inform me that they met their spouse online. I began to wonder, what is all the hype about? Could this really work? Are there really normal people on online dating sites?

I hope you will join me as I share the results of my experiment. It may not be exceptionally interesting, but it is quite entertaining. And if you happen to be one of the men I was matched with... I apologize if any of my comments offend you. Maybe you can learn from your errors, and eventually win over some nice eHarmony girl.

And so, we begin.

(Names may be changed to protect the innocent)