Monday, March 22, 2010


I noticed that my matches seemed to follow certain trends.

1) As mentioned before, my first matches were all in the computer industry (IT, systems engineering, computer science, etc.). But then, the next group got a little more appealing.

2) Marines. Yes... Marines. Little known fact: I LOVE Marines. What is better than that uniform? Nothing. They're heroes. They, presumably, share my love for freedom and our country. They understand stress, adrenaline, danger. Maybe this whole eHarmony thing does work after all!

3) Medical Resident. Ok, there was only one. But because I'm in the medical field, I still think it's notable. PLUS, he was cute! And lived near me. Downside: He closed the match. Said he was "pursuing another relationship." Loser.

4) Pastors. Primarily youth pastors and camp ministry. Ok, so I guess we have a passion for God in common. As a Christian, my relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in my life. But... that's about all we had in common. I don't really see myself living in the middle of no where in Idaho (where most of them are from. No wonder they're on eHarmony) in a lonely cabin, staying at home, raising a small army of children, knitting, and sewing clothes for the kiddies. I need to live somewhere where I can at least get out a couple days a week to work a job of my own. Sorry lonely pastors.

5) Engineers. Nothing wrong with that. But, judging by their pictures, these engineers should be classified with the computer nerds. Pasty white (Hey, I'm very white too... but these guys have that glow-in-the-dark paleness, which I'm pretty sure is a tan from sitting in front of a computer screen for too long), scrawny, and usually list one of their interests as video games. Sorry, but you don't even compare to the Marines.

6) Teachers. Mostly high school and junior high teachers. Most of them were fairly good looking. And they're educated. Most of them have a lot of pictures in awesome places (Greece, England, etc) and list travel as one of their interests. I like traveling. Especially if someone else is paying. Downside: Teachers are poor. Dang it.

7) Students. Hey, I'm a student too, so that's fine with me. The problem is: NONE of them list what they are studying. Seriously? Ok, well it makes a big difference if you are going to medical school or getting your degree in computer science (as discussed above). I'm not hatin' on computer guys, I'm just saying. Please be upfront with what you are studying. If you really enjoy studying your intended career field, you should like it enough to mention it. There's nothing that annoys me more than people who hate their jobs (GET A NEW ONE) so I'm not going to listen to you complain about it forever.

8) Reservists. Mostly Army reserves. They come from a variety of fields, mostly engineering. But the pictures of them in their uniforms make them much more appealing than the other engineers. Plus, I love the military. They may not be Marines, but they are still heroes. And they make me proud to be an American.

9) Cops. Almost in the same category as Marines, at least in my heart. I love cops. I have my minor in Criminal Justice, have grown up in a law enforcement family. And, like Marines, they understand stress. All of the cops I was matched with seemed really nice. Especially one of them. More on him later.

10) Grad students. Most of them are getting degrees in counseling, something financial/business related, or going to seminary. I value education, and plan on getting my masters degree and maybe my PhD eventually. But why can't they be studying something more interesting? Seminary is ok, but business? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. I think I would actually wither away and die if I had to sit at a desk all day. Plus, does that have anything in common with my job? Not at all. Polar opposites.

I find it intriguing that, every few days, my matches would change from one category to another. Some trends I enjoyed more than others. Marine week = best ever.


  1. haha poor lonely pastors indeed.
    and i completely understand the IT tan. it's like when you wear a cosmetic face mask. like you could almost peel it off.

  2. Nothing against Marines, most of them are good guys, but you do realize that their life isn't all that exciting? Not counting the times they are in theater, you know that the majority of their time is not that exciting....pastors actually lead a more exciting life - changing the world and all. And as for cops, the ones I know are good men, but a majority of them are some of the most cynical people in the world. Understandly, since they are dealing with the true nature of people on a daily basis! Plus, they end up questioning the motives or assuming everything people say is a lie. Plus, plus they can do a background check whenever they might want to do some editing to your blog, brave new world and all. The highest quality men are teachers, in spite of our income levels...gotta stick up for the working saps! Anyway, that's my last comment until a new post/rant. I've been very entertained by your writing.

  3. Oops! This is my last comment...understandably. I do know how to spell... I was just distracted while writing as I'm busy making a collage for my thesis.
